Encroachments Pose a Severe Threat to Margalla Hills. IWMB

Senate Standing Committee on Climate Change visited Trail-5 of the Margalla Hills National Park (MHNP) to observe the biodiversity conservation efforts of the Islamabad Wildlife Management Board (IWMB) on World Wildlife Day.

During the visit, IWMB Chairperson Rina Saeed Khan briefed the committee on the threats faced by the national park, including rising encroachments and illegal status of Monal and La Montana restaurants.

The Committee was also informed that the IWMB had imposed fines on poachers and illegal wood cutters and urged for legal empowerment to fine on violations. The Chairperson of the committee emphasized on educating people about animal and wildlife protection to reduce the threats faced by wildlife in the park.

The committee also visited Trail-6, another nature and biodiversity-rich preserved zone in the national park.

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