PIC orders PIA to Provide Former Employee With Inquiry Report

Islamabad :A recent appeal case under The Right of Access to Information Act, 2017, highlighted the importance of transparency and accountability in public bodies. The appellant, a former employee of Pakistan International Airline (PIA), had filed a request for copies of documents related to an inquiry report held against them, including witness statements and all documents/reports produced in the inquiry. However, PIA refused to provide the requested information, claiming that it was not public record under Section 6 of the Act. PIA also argued that Section 7 of the Act exempted notes on files, minutes of meetings, or any intermediary opinion or recommendation subject to a final decision by the public body.

Over 1,500 cases of delayed or denied information pending with KP Information CommissionKPOver 1,500 cases of delayed or denied information pending with KP Information Commission

The appellant challenged this decision before the Pakistan Information Commission on Access to Information. The appellant appeared in person while Mr. Mian Nasir Mir, Manager (Legal) of PIA, represented the respondent.

The PIC observed that Section 5 of the Act required public bodies to publish certain categories of information and record, including reports such as performance reports, audit reports, evaluation reports, inquiry or investigation reports, and other reports that have been finalized. The PIC also noted that PIA had admitted that the inquiry in question had been finalized, meaning that it was no longer subject to any final decision by the public body.

Therefore, the PIC allowed the appeal and directed PIA to provide the complete requested information to the appellant within 10 days of its order. The PIC also sent copies of its order to both parties. This case demonstrates how The Right of Access to Information Act, 2017 empowers citizens to access information held by public bodies and promotes good governance and respect for human rights.

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