SadaPay Announces New Debit Card Fee Amid Economic Struggles


In a recent press release, SadaPay, an online payments platform in Pakistan, has revealed that they will no longer offer free debit cards to customers due to the challenging economic situation of the country. The company stated that in order to maintain its high service standards, certain compromises had to be made.

Beginning April 3rd, SadaPay’s previously free debit Mastercard will now cost Rs. 895 + tax. However, the company emphasized that this is a one-time charge for the issuance of a SadaPay Mastercard debit card, and there will be no recurring or annual fees.

Despite the changes to physical debit cards, SadaPay will still offer its Mastercard virtual card for free for online payments. “We understand that many of you do not use your physical card frequently, and we want to make sure that you can still enjoy the rest of our services with ease,” the company stated.

The announcement comes amid economic struggles in Pakistan, as inflation rates have soared, and businesses have been forced to adapt to the changing economic climate. SadaPay acknowledged the challenging times and expressed its commitment to providing the best services possible to its customers.

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“We remain dedicated to delivering the best possible experience to our customers, and we are continuously evaluating ways to enhance our services,” the company said.

SadaPay’s decision to charge for physical debit cards is a necessary move to maintain its high standards of service. The company’s commitment to offering its Mastercard virtual card for free shows its understanding of the evolving needs of its customers.

As the economic situation in Pakistan continues to evolve, businesses like SadaPay are taking proactive measures to remain sustainable and provide top-notch services to their customers. SadaPay’s changes to its debit card charges reflect its commitment to adapt and thrive in challenging times.

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