Pakistan Establishes National Task Force on Artificial Intelligence for Accelerated Development


Islamabad : The field of artificial intelligence (AI) is one that is undergoing rapid development and has the potential to effect change in many different facets of society as well as the economy.

In light of this possibility, the government of Pakistan has taken the initiative to establish a National Task Force (NTF) on AI.

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Minister for Planning Development and Special Initiatives Ahsan Iqbal would serve as the NTF’s leader. The National Task Force (NTF) is made up of fifteen members, including AI specialists and officials from the public and business sectors.

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The primary purpose of the NTF is to establish a ten-year road plan for the implementation of artificial intelligence in several fields, including but not limited to business, development, governance, education, and healthcare.

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The road map will provide an overview of the vision, goals, strategies, and actions for utilizing AI to improve Pakistan’s competitiveness, productivity, and innovation.

The Ministry of Planning in Pakistan made a statement in which it announced the establishment of the NTF and highlighted the significance of AI for Pakistan’s potential for future development.

It was suggested by Ahsan Iqbal that artificial intelligence would bring about revolutionary changes in a variety of fields and industries, and that Pakistan must not fall behind in this developing subject.

He highlighted that the NTF’s goal is to harness the power of AI for Pakistan’s development and growth while ensuring that the advantages are inclusive and equitable for all segments of society. He said this several times to drive his point home.

He also highlighted that the establishment of the NTF is in keeping with the government’s commitment to embrace the potential of AI to positively reshape the economic landscape of the country, which he stated is in line with the government’s commitment to establish the NTF.

He brought up the fact that in 2018, the government had established the National Centre for Artificial Intelligence (NCAI) as a centre for research and innovation in the field of AI.

The minister underlined his optimism that investments in artificial intelligence can create new potential for growth and development in Pakistan, hence boosting the quality of life for the country’s population. According to him, artificial intelligence has the potential to provide answers that were previously unattainable or impracticable.

These include boosting learning experiences, improving decision-making processes, offering individualized medical treatments, and maximizing resource use. He asked all parties involved to work together and cooperate with the NTF so that it can accomplish its goals and position Pakistan as a leader in artificial intelligence.

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